Pete and I had the joy of spending time with some of our favorite people - our families - in the past two months.
This year was Pete's year for Thanksgiving, so we packed up the car and headed to Oklahoma City, OK for a fun-filled long weekend with his sister and her family, his brother and his family, and his parents. What an amazing weekend it was - we did everything from eating a delicious Thanksgiving meal at the church to walking around Bricktown and even hanging around with bats at the OKC Zoo. This was the first time that the entire family had been together since our wedding in 2007 and we had a blast!
Christmas: Part 1 was a quick drive from TX to South GA and back in one w
eekend (26 hours). Pete and I have been trying every year to make it down to my grandparents Christmas weekend (always the weekend before Christmas) and this year was no exception. Unlike years past, I had to work the Monday after, so Sunday morning we loaded up the gifts and the doggie and made our way back West. It was great to see all of the family in South GA - the only person we were missing was my older cousin Ryan (but we made a trip to South TX to see him when we returned)!
Christmas: P
art 2 began with a tornado touching down just miles from my office on Wednesday as I was getting ready to drive home and meet my parents at the apartment. From what I know, no one was hurt, but it definitly made for an exciting night. Pete and I were able to spend our first Christmas in Texas since our engagement and we enjoyed having a bit more relaxed Christmas at home! Since dad and I had never gone to a UGA footbal game together, we bought them tickets to the Independence Bowl for Christmas and had a fun day in Shreveport, LA the day of the game. It was COLD, but was worth it to go to a game with my husband and parents!
It's hard to believe the year is at it's end already, but I look forward to what the Lord has for us in the year to come!
We will be praying that this year is a year of joy and peace for your families and that you will grow ever-closer to our amazing God!
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come.
Rev. 4:8
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